Important information image
The learning material on this page can be used for the PMI Pathways, as well as the Advanced Diploma in Retirement Provision and associated qualifications.

The learning materials are updated each year and the available material is relevant for all 2025 exams.
The online material is based on the syllabus from the previous financial year, meaning the 2025 exams will be based on practice as it existed as at 5 April 2024, unless stated otherwise.

The following units will be assessed via short and long answer questions only. The multiple choice questions (MCQ) have been removed and will no longer form part of the question paper.

Core Unit 1A
Core Unit 1B
Core Unit 2
Core Unit 3
Core Unit 4

The other units of:

Defined Benefit Arrangements
Defined Contribution Arrangements
Reward and Retirement Provision
Managing International Employee Benefits
Professionalism and Governanace

will be examined in the normal way (short and long answer questions).

You will not be able to take this exam, or any part of it, without a workable webcam/video attached to the device you will be using to input answers for your exam